an enGAYgement session


Although same sex marriage is not legal and binding here in the Philippines, it is allowed and recognized in some parts of the world, like in the case of California, USA.

Filipino wedding photographer Newin Uy recently had an engagement session in the States (prenup pictorial as it is popularly known here) with a gay Asian American couple.

When asked by a fellow photographer how it felt taking on such a project, Nel said it felt exactly like shooting a heterosexual couple.  He added, “as long as they are in love, parang you wont think of a difference naman.”  He couldn’t have put it any simpler.

See the rest of the images from the pictorial (well, maybe not for the ultra moralists and homophobes).





Kudos to Nelwin for his tastefully executed shots of his subjects.  Cheers to the groom & groom! 🙂