Tag Archive for: benz weddings at work

Mimma Benz’s Microblogs

Bride’s Yellow Pages

We are now working on our Bride’s Yellow Pages. Do check your entry if they are updated in our Supplier Directory. Please let us know by May 11 so we can edit. Our site will also be going thru a little facelift so we might be offline for a week. Please do check your entry soonest. We’d also be happy to receive ad placement inquiries for Bride’s Yellow Pages, do email us.

Waw at 19!
19 years ago, we launched WeddingsAtWork.com in a bridal fair at Dusit Hotel. We wanna thank all those who made this possible, all the people we touched and have touched our lives and most specially those who really knows us and loves us and can’t live without WaW & NaW!

Hearts Month! February 2018

As we enter the love month, make sure you know your partner’s Love Language so you may be able to express your love to them in a way they will most appreciate it. Take your love language test at www.5lovelanguages.com and make them take it too. Take it a notch higher and do the Love Dare secretly to your partner!

Invest in your relationship as much of or more than on your wedding. Happy Hearts Month!

Happy New Year! January 2018

WaW wishes everyone to have a beautiful, positive, and abundant day, every single day, in 2018!

Happy Holidays From Your WaW Family! – Dec. 2017

Have a great holiday break everyone. Thank you so much for the love given to WaW. This is a such a landmark year for us. We celebrated out 18th year last March. Aside from that, this year, we experienced WaW’s fastest growth. From 3000+ members last January we blew up to 10,000+ this yearend. So looking forward to forming relationships. May you all have a beautiful, positive and abundant 2018!

NaW Online Fair 5 – Nov. 2017

Come join us this Wednesday for our 5th run of the Online Fair.

WaW prides itself for not copying what is already being done by others in the Wedding Industry. We know how annoying it is to be copied so we do not do that to others with their ideas.

Are you preparing for your wedding? If yes, go read about WaW Online Fair and check out our suppliers line up. Their promos are now up. You can start studying and researching now so you can book them come November 29. You have until December 1 to take advantage of their promos.