Metro Weddings Directory 2008




When we conceived of this special issue of METRO WEDDINGS, we kept in mind the jumble of confusion a bride experiences when planning a wedding. After the engagement, most brides don’t know where to begin and who to call. They pick up magazines like METRO WEDDINGS and get ideas. They enter a bridal fair and meet as many suppliers as they can. They go online to check company profiles, portfolios, menus and photos. They call friends and relatives who recently got married and ask for suppliers they can recommend. Usually the “working” brides dedicate their weekends for this, dragging their obedient grooms with them. Come Sunday, most brides have an information overload and often end up to be just as confused as when they began.

This is why we created a directory that not only has updated contact information, but a short description of each of the supplier’s strength. We tried our best to relieve you of the guesswork. We spoke to over a hundred suppliers and included here only those we felt confident enough to recommend to you. But we at METRO WEDDINGS also believe that a reliable source of recommendations are newlyweds who worked closely with suppliers. They know first-hand who gave the best value for money, who gave the best service, who surprised them with such creativity.

This is why for this special issue we have worked closely with Weddings@Work. If METRO WEDDINGS is the pioneer bridal magazine in the country, is the pioneer online wedding portal in the country. Aside from their extensive list of suppliers, proprietors John & Benz Rana have created a community of brides who call themselves W@Wies. These W@Wies are brides who are planning their wedding or who are newly married. They are a close-knit community who chat, blog and discuss their plans online. Sometimes sharing secrets with fellow brides and other times dishing out the dirt on suppliers who have failed and disappointed them. Trickled on the pages of our directory are their comments on suppliers they highly recommend.

With all this information packed in this issue, we hope you find a little relief from all the stress in planning a wedding. We hope that your excitement remains, your frustration eases and your worries and anxiety disappear. Let this METRO WEDDINGS DIRECTORY be your comfort zone as your wedding day draws near.

Metro Weddings Directory 2008 is available on selected magazine outlets nationwide.

O t h e r I s s u e s

Jan-Jun ‘05 | Jul-Dec ‘05 | Jan-Jun ‘06 | Jul-Dec ‘06 | Best of 2006 | Jan-Jun ‘07 | Jul-Dec ‘07 | Jan-Jun ‘08 | Directory ’08

Contact Information:

Editor in Chief: Romina Urra-Gonzalez |

Metro Weddings
ABS-CBN Publishing, Inc.
4th Flr. Eugenio Lopez, Jr. Communications Center, Mother Ignacia st. cor Eugenio Lopez Drive, QC
tel: 924.4101 | 415.2272 loc. 4641, 4642 & 4667