That night she was rendered speechless after watching six films about her. The bubbly lady suddenly turned tearful, mushy and tongue-tied while standing in front of almost 300 of her fans. Mic in hand, she stammered through her thanks. But the humble person inside won over and through her overwhelmed state pushed her to call out her staff to join her up front to share the limelight. Not a bit contrived. All real. All sincere. All heart. That’s who Veluz is. That’s why is she is loved.
The 2015 WaW Videofest chose Veluz as the feature for its third run. According to Benz Co-Rana, Mimma to the WaW community, “Veluz is an inspiration to so many people in so many ways. It’s difficult to capture all of her in just one film. Even the six that we produced about her for this videofest does not completely capture her enigma.”
Benz adds, “By creating six different films on her, we hoped to give people different views of this fascinating woman: the designer, the boss, the daughter, sister, friend, mother and friend. For wedding suppliers, so much can be learned of Veluz’s work ethics. Her amazing relationship with her staff is something that I would want to emulate. Most of all I am amazed at how she managed to gain her success without sacrificing her family to achieve this.”

The stammering designer who stood in front of the crowd that night couldn’t believe what had just transpired. Even she was surprised at her own level of surprise! Veluz shares, “I was blown away by the films. Watching the different videos was a surreal experience. With the video made by Bob Nicolas, the past suddenly came back, although it certainly didn’t feel that way when it was happening. I was just living each day, surviving each day. I was just trying to be better each day. I had no idea that I was making an impact on anyone. Those videos made me realize what a beautiful life I’ve had and have.”
In the deluge of emotions of that evening, Veluz recounts one particular feeling that continues to linger two weeks after the event and that is an overwhelming sense of gratitude for so many things. First is for the Weddings at Work. In her speech at the Videofest, Veluz said, “10 years ago WaW changed my life. This was when I won as Supplier of the Year.”
In our chat she explained that being the WaW Supplier of the Year made her realize that she had achieved so much without even realizing it. That award validated all her hard work, her sacrifices, her commitment to her craft and the great effort she put into getting to know her brides. Veluz felt that in receiving the award, she no longer needed to prove herself. She adds, “Then 10 years after WaW does it again. They’re changing my life again with this videofest. WaW is responsible for 2 of the most special nights of my life and I will be forever grateful for that. This validation coupled with sincere friendship, this is all priceless.”
Second are the videographers. Veluz shares, “The work of the videographers was amazing. Everything I wanted to tell they were able to bring to capture and being to life on screen. What I especially liked was how they were able to seize the essence of the different aspects of my life. The interviews of my family, friends and classmates were done so well. The videographers were able to capture that beautifully and present it magnificently. I was so touched that Bong of W@W Videofest: Veluz by Threelogy was able to capture the laughter and tears of my staff. The video W@W Videofest: Veluz by Jason Magbanua did of the brides was quite moving because what they said what exactly what I was hoping to make them feel.”

When most designers would want to take all the adulation, with Veluz it’s the polar opposite. Her bride is the Star. Her gown is the key in making this happen. Because months prior to the special day, someone with a pure heart had seen the true beauty that lies inside the bride. She captured that fire and translated it into a design, first on paper, then eventually on fabric, with the creative smattering of beads and layers of lace. Every being of the bride is sewn into that gown, stitch by stitch, bead by bead. And in every step of the process Veluz breathes her air of magic unto the dress. It’s like she silently utters a charm of love and happiness into each piece that makes up the whole. And when the bride finally wears her gown, she in enveloped in an unspeakable glow.
Although a Veluz gown stands out distinctively, it is the bride that really shines. You and I are among thousands who have ooohhhed and aaahhhed over Veluz’s creations. Stunning while on a mannequin, still nothing compares to the beauty of the dress when it is finally worn by the only person who can own it, the bride. In Jason Magbanua’s film for the 2015 WaW Videofest, a Veluz bride, Timi Gomez-Aquino, summed up the magic succinctly when she said “You know women, we live our lives for other people. You’re a good daughter first. You’re a good wife. You’re a good mother. But on my wedding day, that gown, that was for me.”
Veluz does more than create “the most beautiful gown you will ever wear”, as Jason Magbanua has dubbed his Veluz film. In fact Veluz does more than give you confidence on your wedding day. She gives you back your person so that on your wedding day you can own the moment. You can own your beauty… you always should. Because you deserve it. It takes a truly selfless person to do this.
She has her own kind of unique that she generously passes on to the people around her. Perhaps that is why in the midst of her success, no one can argue that Veluz deserves all of it and all that is coming. Because when a person blessed with immense talent chooses to use this gift to bring love and happiness to every person who comes her way – be it the bride, the groom, her family, her friends and her staff – then this returns to her a million fold.
On hearing the numerous people talk about how she has inspired them, Veluz reveals “It is overwhelming to hear that I have made an impact on anyone. It’s amazing to realize that unknowingly I have left imprints with the people I have met and worked with. I did not set out to do that. I was just trying to be true to myself, doing what mattered to me most for the people who mattered to me most.”
When confronted with her achievements Veluz has this to say, “Fame and fortune will come. Just do what you need to do. What is really more important is to maintain the integrity and the dignity in the face of success. Do what is right all the time and everything will fall into place. That is the Law of the Universe.” She adds, “We need to change our paradigm of fame. I don’t need the glitter. None of that means anything to me. What I want is the continuity of work. What empowers me is that I am able to support my family and give continuous livelihood to my staff.”
On the evening of the 2015 WaW Videofest, Veluz stood in front of the crowd, tearful and overwhelmed. Beyond words, in fact. If truth be told, there was really no need for words. The applause, the hugs and tears that flowed were all that was needed. Love simply overflowed that night and for a very special reason, because the source of it all–the reluctant star, the undisputed Queen of the Aisle, the caring boss, obedient daughter, doting mother and loving wife–her cup of love is limitless.

In Benz’s words, “With the WaW Videofest we hope to share the amazing story of Veluz not just with the wedding community but with even with people outside the wedding industry. Veluz is an inspiration and the world needs to know about her.”
For Veluz the recent WaW Videofest holds a very special part in her heart. Veluz shares, “The videos enabled me to share my life with my children. There is nothing I want more in life than for them to learn the value of hard work. My fervent wish for them is that someday they, too, will find what they really want to be and live that life to the fullest, just like what I am doing now. My work makes me happy. I pray that they will find the work that will give them that satisfaction too.”
What is especially poignant for Veluz is, “The videofest literally made me look back at my life….so that I can look forward. Watching those videos made me appreciate my life in ways that I have never imagined before. I saw everything I’ve done presented in front of me and hearing all those people share how I have touched their lives has given me a profound feeling of hope. This experience has made me look forward again.”
Two weeks after that memorable night, what’s next for Veluz? She answers in her signature humor, “Maybe you can ask me in another 2 weeks. I’m still on a high from the Videofest!”
For Veluz, the future is waiting for you. The world is waiting for you. We wish you all the luck as you move forward with your awesome life.