Back to the ’90s!

Yesterday morning, Dominic Velasco of Imacron posted in his FB account a video montage of some of the weddings his company has covered in the mid-to-late 90s. That was a time when analog and gen-loss (generation loss) were bywords in wedding videography, and final output were handed to newlyweds in VHS cassette.  The clip’s obvious lack of crisp in color we’re typical during the pre-digital age.  It’s cool to think that the weddings in the video preceeds the YouTube era.

Dom tagged the couples in his friends’ list who appeared in the video (all are married for 10 to 15 years already at this time), with a note that ‘un-couples’ can opt to untag themselves.  Fair enough. hehehe

Here’s Imacron’s ‘old school’ wedding montage.