Real couple: Barack & Michelle Obama


This relaxed 1992 wedding portrait sits on the Obamas’ living room mantel. [source: People]

Barack Obama, 47, inspired a lot of people all over the world when he was elected the 44th president of the United States of America and being the very first African-American to do so.  Even his marriage is admired by the people who supported him.

He and his wife Michelle, 44, were married in October 3, 1992. In an interview, Michelle talked about her husband’s wedding vows: “Barack didn’t pledge riches, only a life that would be interesting. On that promise he’s delivered.

One observation says the greatest benefits of the Obama presidency is hidden in plain sight: the relationship between Michelle and Barack. They provide a great role model of a healthy relationship, at a time when such models are sorely needed.

Here are some articles about the Obamas’ relationship/marriage: